Citizen Education
NIA is committed to providing the best and most up-to-date information to our team of grassroots activists. We have presented an incredible array of policy and issue experts as guest speakers during our weekly calls. Past speakers include:
Paul Teller, Special Assistant to the President, The White House
Hans von Spakovsky, Heritage Foundation, NIA Board Member, Past FEC Commissioner
Ginni Thomas, Founder of Liberty Consulting, Columnist
Congressman Mark Meadows (NC), Freedom Caucus Chairman.
Anne Schlafly Cori, Chairman, Eagle Forum
Trevor Loudon – Movie Producer, Author, Speaker, Political Activist, Researcher
Rick Manning, President, Americans for Limited Government,
Tom Talbot, NIA Board Member, Past GOPAC Chairman
Brad Johnson – Assoc. for Intelligence Reform, Former CIA Station Chief
Congressman Jody Hice (GA)